da EPS | Mar 21, 2022 | Viticultura
Today I would like to talk to you about the forms of training and pruning, which is the act of severing branches to regulate the vine's vegetative and productive development and to give it a definite shape. The vine is a liana that develops in an assurgent and progressive manner, so... da EPS | Mar 21, 2022 | viticulture
Aujourd'hui, je voudrais vous parler d'élevage et taille, c'est-à-dire l'acte de couper les branches pour changer la forme de la plante, améliorer sa productivité et éliminer les parties malades ou anciennes. La vigne est une liane qui se développe... da EPS | Mar 21, 2022 | Wines and winemaking
Today I would like to talk about the forms of training and pruning - cutting the branches in order to regulate the plant, improve its productivity. The vine is a liana that develops progressively, so it is necessary to prune it to give it a shape. The guyot... da EPS | Mag 19, 2021 | Viticultura
Il Prünent è un vitigno a bacca nera, biotipo del Nebbiolo. È autoctono della Val d’Ossola, infatti, con esso si produce il vino DOC Valli Ossolane Nebbiolo. Uno sguardo alle origini del Prünent Il nome “Prünent” deriva dal latino “pruina”... da EPS | Mag 16, 2021 | Ossola Vine Club français
Le Prünent est un cépage à baie noire, un clone du Nebbiolo. Il est autochtone de la vallée d'Ossola, en fait, avec ça on produit le vin homonyme DOC Valli Ossolane. Un regard sur les origines du Prünent Le nom " Prünent " dérive du latin " pruina "...