Women are like wine, only for true connoisseurs

Mar 6, 2021 | Ossola Vine Club English

Guys, let’s dispel a myth: women are increasingly well up in the wine sector. If once they were destined to the humblest jobs in the wine industry and little considered for the product’s consumption, today the situation profoundly changed; in fact, women hold managerial rolesconsciously and attentively consuming the nectar of Bacchus.

A look at the past, not even too far away

Until the 1970s, a young woman could be “labelled” as a bad girl when seen drinking in public. Currently, however, women are the primary consumers of wine, preferring quality to quantity.

The cliché that there are wines for men and women is quite widespread, but it is not the reality: a survey shows that women still favour whites, also appreciating very much more structured and alcoholic wines. However, there are differences between the male and female approach to the world of wine and wine tourism: the fairer sex shows greater sensitivity in these fields, too; in fact, tasting is often combined with an artistic experience. Besides, it pays close attention to the quality/price ratio of the product, going beyond the label and the brand because it is interested in the company’s history and values and the places of production.

Wine tourism is becoming an important reality, precisely among women who, increasingly prepared and curious, travel for the pleasure of visiting, knowing, and tasting. Taking note of this change, began the wine world’s female conquest with the support of associations created to unite women and the wine world, for example, “Le Donne del Vino” (Italy). This non-profit organization was created in 1988 by Elisabetta Tognana, a Tuscan producer, to promote the culture of wine and women’s role in this sector. More than 900 members belong to all categories of the wine industry.

Despite the successes of women in the world of wine, there is still a substantial gender disparity: lower salaries, discrimination, difficulties in combining private and working life, etc. Women are not discouraged, and, on the contrary, they created the women’s wine festival (March 4th).

Cheers, girls!

Federica Dieni

Laurea specialistica Università Bordeaux Montaigne – Pessac, Francia

Lingue, affari e interculturalità: economia del vino, enoturismo e interculturalità


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